Danny Bowman joined Parliament Street in 2016 as our mental health spokesperson, since then he has taken the role of Director of Mental Health and is currently our Head of Campaigns.
He is a leading mental health campaigner who has appeared on television, radio and in magazines around the world. These appearances include Good Morning Britain and Attitude Magazine, in the UK and ABC News and Time Magazine in the USA.
Danny has led our mental health campaign prior to becoming head of campaigns producing policy and report papers, podcasts with Alastair Campbell, Johnny Mercer and many more prominent people in mental health. He produced and continues to produce research that is well covered in the media CAMHS services, A&E departments and the police.
Danny outside of parliament street is Vice-Chair of a men’s eating disorders charity and is a fellow at the Royal Society of Arts
anny can be contacted at danny.bowman@parliamentstreet.org
Follow him on Twitter: @DannyBowman10