Sunday Times: Archbishop of Canterbury to Discuss Christian Hate Crimes

Reverend John Suddards

Reverend John Suddards was murdered in 2012

Justin Welby, Archbishop of Canterbury, is to examine if attacks on members of the clergy should be considered hate crimes, according to a front page story on today’s Sunday Times. The article includes research released by Parliament Street revealing that there have been 200 attacks on members of the clergy over the last five years, including beatings, assaults and incidents of grievous bodily harm.

The Sunday Express also covered our campaign, which has been raised in the House of Commons, quoting Parliament Street Director Clare George-Hilley.

Parliament Street also conducted a live interview with the BBC Radio 4.

See other Parliament Street news:

The Guardian – Met Officer Scandal

The Telegraph – Falsified Police logs

Express – Attacks on clergy are hate crimes

Sunday Telegraph – A day in the life for the clergy


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